Justin Trudeau为真正变革加拿大开启联邦大选

联邦自由党党魁Justin Trudeau 8月2日在温哥华正式启动大选时表示,哈珀执政10年,只有联邦自由党有新领袖新计划,带来真正变革,让所有加拿大人都能成功。




Trudeau launches campaign for real change

After a decade of Stephen Harper, only Liberals are offering new leadership and a new plan that will deliver real change so all Canadians can succeed, said the Leader of the Liberal Party of Canada, Justin Trudeau.

“We want change that will make a real difference in the lives of all Canadians – change that will help families make ends meet, put more money in their pockets, and bring this country together,” said Mr. Trudeau. “It is time for a new plan to grow the middle class and grow the economy.”

While middle class Canadians are struggling to make ends meet, Harper’s plan gives billions in benefits to the wealthiest few and will do nothing to help Canadians get ahead. Thomas Mulcair has no answers on the economy and irresponsibly supports Harper’s plan to give more money to millionaires. Liberals have a strong team that is ready to bring better government to Ottawa. Candidates and volunteers are working hard and will continue sharing our plan for real change with Canadians in communities across the country.

“This election is about our future and Liberals have the plan and the team to make a real, positive difference for Canadians,” said Mr. Trudeau. “We have a real plan that will cut taxes for the middle class, so Canadians can keep more of their paycheques. We will also create one bigger, fair, automatic, and tax-free monthly benefit that will help families with the high cost of raising their kids. Nine out of ten families will get more from our plan. That’s real change.”
