
时至今日,核能贡献了安省大约60%的发电量,在大多伦多地区周边200公里的范围内就集中了加拿大4座核电站中的3座。核能发电是否利大于弊?政经民社(Active Community Engagement)将举办线上讲座,帮助您更好的了解安省核能发电的相关知识。


政经民社邀请了沙曼·佩雷拉(Dr Sharman Perera)教授为此次讲座的特邀嘉宾,作为一位任教于安省理工大学(Ontario Tech University)近20年的核电领域专家,他将为您分享自己专业的见解。本次线上讲座将以英语进行,并配有中文字幕翻译。

Zoom会议ID:874 2294 9467


A.C. E Online Webinar – Nuclear Power in Ontario

Today, approximately 60% of Ontario’s electricity is provided by nuclear power, and three of Canada’s four nuclear plants are located within 200 kilometre of Greater Toronto Area. Is nuclear energy a time bomb or our best friend? Active Community Engagement A.C.E. is here to help you better understand the nuclear power related information in Ontario.

Our webinar includes these contents:
-Future of nuclear power in Ontario
-Nuclear energy safety
-Advantage of nuclear power
-Benefits and comparison with other energy options
-Impact on Ontario families

A.C.E. invited Professor Sharman Perera as our guest speaker, as an expert in nuclear power who has been teaching at Ontario Tech University for nearly 20 years, he will be sharing his professional insights with you. The webinar will be conducted in English, with closed caption in Chinese.
