


有传言说在Ying Yu女士的工作上我没有正确对待,同时也有传言,我不支持她的孩子。

在我的办公室工作期间,Yu女士得到了妥善而公正的对待。据我所知,Yu女士完全了解她的工作条款,包括就业期限,这是由The House of Commons所签发的就业信。无论如何,即使Yu女士对自己的工作待遇有任何不满(我予以否认),她可以在法庭上维护自己的权利,但她没有这么做。假若她走上法律之路,我会凭法律捍卫自己。






June 25, 2019

Dear Sir/Madam,

It is being rumoured that I have not treated properly Ms. Ying Yu in her employment, and is also being circulated that I am not supporting the child.

Ms. Yu has been treated properly and fairly during her employment, I understand she fully knew and understood the terms of her employment, including the duration of the employment, having been issued an employment letter by the House of Commons. In any event, even if she had any grievances relating to her employment (which I deny) she could have pursued her rights in a court of law, which she did not. I would have strongly defended on merits.

I have not misused my acquaintance with her.

Regarding the child being referred to, I made a sperm donation in the year 2014, at the request of Ms. Yu, to her and her husband, without me having any rights and obligations relating to the child. I have a family of my own, a loving and caring wife and three children.

My dignity and honour is improperly being maligned, alleging wrong facts and concealing the real ones. Should Ms. Yu decide to take a legal action of any kind, I will strongly defend the same on facts and the law.

Geng Tan
