Fort McMurray林火(10):大灾大爱见真情,多难兴邦砺民心


加拿大史无前例的大火吞噬了万亩山林,摧毁了十万民宅,却再难阻隔爱的传递,心的相连。滑铁卢地区华人联谊会将于5月14日11:00-15:00举办“为Fort McMurray赈灾募捐活动“。

活动地点:500 Dotzert Court, Waterloo



WCCA will be holding a fundraising event for the ongoing wildfire crisis in Fort McMurray, Alberta

The event includes performances, Chinese culture display, kids play station (rental inflatable equipments installed at the site), BBQ/food tasting, fire engine from Waterloo fire rescue etc.
All the proceeds from the cash donation, sale of donated items, sale of the authentic food will be handed over to local Red Cross.
“Fort Mac, We will rebuild”  – A WCCA Fundraising Event

Time: Saturday May 14, 11am-3pm
12:00-1:00 BQQ lunch will be served
1:00-2:00 performances
Address: 500 Dotzert Court, Waterloo

Follow us on twitter @WaterlooCCA
