
–为叙利亚难民安置基金(Syrian Refugee Sponsorship Fund)募捐


红线(Red Thread-The Chinese Canadian Adoptions Story)这部电影,小编并不熟悉,只知道该电影为年轻华裔导演王正的作品。但在观看其简短宣传片时,小编让其中一段对话所感动,那就是一名女孩对其领养母亲说,“我知道我不是从你肚里生出来的,但是我是从你心里生出来的……”。小编相信,借以时日,这批叙利亚难民在加拿大的生活将会有许多可歌可泣的故事发生,就如当年领养中国儿童的那些家庭一样。所以,假若下一个周末你能抽出时间,带上你的家人,前往观看《红线》这部电影的话,你就参与了这些美好故事的撰写,同时也传递了你的那份爱!


地点:The Royal Cinema(皇家影院)
地址:608 College Street, Toronto ON M6G 1B4


Start 2016 off with positive energy and good will! Join us to help our neighbours in need. We are using this special screening event of “Red Thread- The Chinese Canadian Adoptions Story” to raise the much needed funds for the Syrian refugees.

This is a documentary film that shows the power of universal love that transcends border, skin-colour, culture, religion and stereotype. It is produced and directed by Zheng(Zen) Richard Wang DGC. He is part of a group from DGC (Director’s Guild of Canada) who are sponsoring a Syrian family in the new year.

Get your tickets online to reserve your seats and save. Tickets are also available at the door for $12. All proceeds will go to the Syrian Refugee Sponsorship Fund.

Please Join us. Bring  your family, friends, coworkers, boss, neighbours, strangers, everyone, and let us celebrate what it means to be Canadian and what it means to be human. Only when people of this world unite will hope reveal itself, not before. Thank you.

3 评论

  1. Congratulations to Mr Richard Zheng Wang.
    Thank him very mhch for his key help as a General Director on 2013 & 2015 Mississauga Chinese New Year Shows hosted by Mississauga Chinese Arts Organization.
    感谢他在密市华人艺术团主办的013, 2015密市华人
