







笔者将两幅画拿到旁边,仔细研究起来。复印作品的艺术家是Thomas Kinkade,画作是Split Rock Light。对于这幅画,Thomas如此描述:I am intrigued by lighthouses. Erected in locations of great peril, they often stand in settings of remarkable beauty and drama. as well.Where nature is most powerful, it can also be most majestic. 从网络检索看,特别是Kijiji上,销售价格各异,而二手店的价格居于Kijiji上的上游,笔者最后放弃了!(也许与财富无缘哦!画家个人网页(thomaskinkade.com)销售$500起!)

但是,对于另一幅,从装裱上的表格看,画家是A. Trestorff,画的景致是Peggy’s Cove。笔者试图从网络搜寻关于画家的信息,唯一发现的是一个名叫Peter Churan的人在网站www.ancestry.co.uk上发的两个帖子。

其中2016年7月24日上午8:56发布标题为Trestorff paintings found Ontario,Canada,其内容如下:I have two Trestorff paintings. One labelled the Muskokas. A Trestorff painter, please reply with any info. I believe art done between 1930-1955.

而在2016年7月28日下午3:54发布的信息有些更新:I have 2 paintings done by A. Trestorff. I believe it to be the daughter Augustus of Johanus Van Der Liet. Please send me contact info of family if you have it, thank you. Secenes I beleive are of the Credit river and the second is labelled the Muskokas in Ontario, Canada. Painting appears to be in the 1930-1955 range.




在挖掘这两条信息之后,笔者发现在此之前,来自阿姆斯特丹的Van der Vliet在2005年1月18日在同一论坛出现写道:My g/father was Jordanus van der Vliet who married Johanna Trestorff and had 2 daughters, Wilhelmina and Augusta. Immigrants to Canada in early 1920’s/30’s. My g/father had a sister by Cornelia/Cornelius (I think).而在2009年1月19日再次写道:Very cool! I have the 1955 oil painting “The creek, Terra Cotta”. It was left to me in a will. I will cherish it always. I am looking for information so I can tape it to the back of the pickture.

而在2009年1月28日这个Van der Vliet再次写道:That would be one of his. I don’t know where you are from but the picture was done in a town called Terra Cotta, Ontario. We all lived in a big farmhouse right beside the Terra Cotta Inn and my grandfather had his art studio built right next door. It has since been severed and was sold separately as a home. I haven’n been there in years but the last time I was there in the ‘80s, another artist was living there. The farmhouse borders onto the Credit River (“the creek”) at the rear and he did most of his painting there.

在这种情况下,笔者的下一步呢?就是给远在阿姆斯特丹的Van der Vliet联系,并将画的照片发给他,看看他有何反馈哦!下面就是他给我的回信内容:Hi Patrick: This is my grandmother Johanna Trestorff’s brother, Augustus Trestorff (I think that was his first name) who lived in Scotia, ON, a small town near Parry Sound I believe. That’s all the info I have. He died when I was small which was about 50 years ago. Hope this helps.

