
日前,大多地区几家中文网页先后刊登一篇关于保守党在Markham-Thornhill候选人在社交媒体上的言论,该文仅是翻译自National Observer的一篇英文报道。然而,今天早上笔者试图到这几个网页查阅时,所有链接失效!目前,唯一能够阅读的,只剩下原始的英文报道:


笔者没有想去追究其中所发生的事情,但华文媒体集体噤声让笔者奇怪,也感到难受!在这种情况下,笔者特意去Google关于National Observer的背景与历史,下面是Wikipedia上关于National Observer (Canada)的介绍:

National Observer is a Canadian online website focused on news through the lens of energy, environment, and federal politics. The publication emphasizes quality investigations, federal politics, breaking news, opinion, and analysis. Just eight months after its inception, National Observer surpassed the landmark of one million monthly page views.

National Observer was founded by Linda Solomon Wood, a long-time, award-winning journalist who decided to move to Canada after decades of reporting from the United States and France. Once settled in Vancouver, she built Observer Media Group and became its CEO. In 2015, she received the Vancouver Board of Trade Wendy MacDonald Award for Entrepreneurial Innovation. The publication builds on the Vancouver Observer’s journalistic excellence. In 2012, the team behind this local publication won a Canadian Journalism Foundation Excellence in Journalism Award. In 2013 it was nominated for the same prize, then won it again in 2014.

It was actually during the 2014 CJF awards ceremony that Solomon Wood announced the launching of National Observer. Both, the Vancouver Observer and National Observer would live under the umbrella of Observer Media Group (OMG) from then on.


从上面的介绍看,National Observer是由专业传媒人士创建的,尽管十分年轻,却已经多次荣获加拿大媒体行业专业奖!也就是说,National Observer绝对是一个非常正规的媒体,足见其报道的水准和专业!

相对于National Observer来说,加拿大的华文媒体似乎要脆弱得多!这次报道集体噤声就是一种体现。笔者建议,有志于献身媒体的华裔,不如试图加入National Observer,将所有报道即时翻译成中文,一定能有所作为的。
