Ali Manek退出提名竞选并改为支持Mary Ng

2月26日,也就是Markham -Thornhill联邦选区补选,自由党内候选人提名竞选的最后6天(3月4日揭晓),候选人Ali Manek选择自动退出,并转而支持华裔候选人Mary Ng。从记者考量看,这个变化显示两大要素,其一,Mary Ng的实力体现;其二,联邦自由党成员的分工与合作精神。从长远看,这将强化4月3日补选中自由党的优势,大家可以拭目以待。更多详情见英文新闻稿。

Today, Ali Manek, one of three candidates seeking the federal liberal nomination in Markham-Thornhill withdrew his candidacy to support long-time liberal, Mary Ng.

Manek, a former Markham teacher, founder of international aid agency Our Village and internet start-up entrepreneur was seeking the nomination alongside Ng and another candidate.

“Markham-Thornhill is about to enter a hard five-week by-election and I felt strongly that we needed to unite behind the best candidate,” said Manek. “I believe that Mary is that person and by working together we have a great chance of continuing Hon. John McCallum’s legacy of hard work, community engagement and empowering our youth.”

The Federal Liberal Nomination meeting for Markham-Thornhill is scheduled for Saturday March 4, 2017

Manek joins a growing list of community and business leaders who have thrown their support behind Ng including; MPP Michael Chan, Khalid Usman, Regional Councilor Nirmala Armstrong, Bang Gu Jiang , Sophia Sun and Francis Yuen.

“I am humbled by the amount of community support I have received to date and feel very fortunate that an individual as passionate and energized as Ali has joined our growing team,” said Mary Ng. “This continues to be a competitive nomination race and I am working tirelessly to earn the confidence and support of the residents of this dynamic and diverse riding.”

The by-election has also been called in the riding and is scheduled for Monday April 3, 2017.
