Justin Trudeau将对中国进行正式访问

总理贾斯汀·特鲁多(Justin Trudeau)将从8月30日到9月6日对中国进行正式访问,并将出席9月4-5日在杭州举行的20国集团(G20)领导人峰会。8月18日总理办公室(PMO)表示,特鲁多应中国总理李克强的邀请进行这次官方访问,行程包括北京、上海、杭州和香港。



在杭州的 G20峰会上,与会领导人将考虑如何采取措施,来提升全球的经济增长和投资,创造就业机会,强化中产阶级,加强全球金融体系的韧性,并扩大贸易和投资。总理特鲁多在声明中说,加拿大认为G20为促进全球经济增长和繁荣有着关键作用。他说,“我们重视与20国集团的合作伙伴一起工作,帮助解决世界上最为紧迫的一些挑战,如气候变化、人口迁移和可持续发展等”。

加拿大还对中国作为今年20国集团峰会主办国提出的议程表示欢迎,这一议程敦促成员向创新、相连、包容的世界经济共同努力。20国集团成员的经济在世界经济中占的份额超过85%,人口占世界人口的近 2/3,从而使G20成为国际经济合作的一个主要论坛。在G20 峰会上,重点议事日程还将包括:国际税收、打击腐败、气候变化、能源、发展和人口迁移。

外交部部长Stéphane Dion、国际贸易部部长Chrystia Freeland和财政部部长Bill Morneau也将随总理特鲁多一起前往中国访问。

The Prime Minister to travel to China for an official visit and to attend G20 Summit

The Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau, today announced that he will travel to China – at the invitation of Premier of the State Council of the People’s Republic of China, Li Keqiang – for an official visit from August 30 to September 6. During the official visit, the Prime Minister will also participate in the G20 Leaders’ Summit on September 4 and 5 in Hangzhou, China.

This official visit – which includes stops in Beijing, Shanghai, Hangzhou, and Hong Kong – will provide an opportunity for the Prime Minister to connect with Chinese leaders in government, business, and the public at large.

During his visit, the Prime Minister will seek to promote greater dialogue between Canada and China. The Canadian delegation will also work closely with Chinese leaders to bolster our shared prosperity and grow the Canadian middle class.

At the Hangzhou Summit, G20 leaders will consider measures to lift global economic growth and investment, create jobs, strengthen the middle class, reinforce the resilience of the global financial system, and increase trade and investment.

Canada welcomes the agenda brought forward by China as this year’s G20 host, which encourages members to work together towards an innovative, interconnected, and inclusive world economy.
