从CBC解说嘉宾Byron MacDonald所引发的……


在8月10日晚上进行的里约奥运会游泳比赛中,CBC解说嘉宾Byron MacDonald,辱骂中国女游泳运动员,观众可以清楚地听到:“The little 14-year-old from China dropped the ball, baby. Too excited, went out like stink, died like a pig. Thanks for that.”(“那个中国的14岁小孩失误了,真开心,出场的时候臭烘烘的,死得像头猪。”)结果忘关话筒,导致这句话被直播出去了。

在播出之后很多观看电视节目的加拿大人都被Byron MacDonald这句话震惊,并有的网友表示为此感到羞耻,强烈要求CBC公司进行道歉。虽然CBC马上在官方Twitter上向不同读者发了24个道歉(We apologize the comment on a swim performance made it to air. It was an unfortunate choice of words – we are sorry it happened.),但是仍然挡不住华人的愤怒,许多人纷纷到Twitter上表达愤慨,称CBC的道歉太没有诚意。8月11日上午,CBC发言人Chuck Thompson通过电邮向Postmedia说,“We sincerely regret that these statements were made, and that they were allowed to go to air. We moved quickly last night to apologize to our viewers on-air and to our followers on Social media. To be clear, Byron’s comments were related to the swimmer’s performance, not to her as an individual. That said, they were inappropriate and an unfortunate choice of words and Byron is very sorry for what he said.”

8月11日中午Byron MacDonald在CBC转播游泳比赛之前对着电视机镜头说,对前一天晚上的言论进行真诚地道歉。“I would like to take a moment to apologize for a comment that I made last night after the women’s relay, I was referring to a swimmer’s performance, and not to them as a person. Needless to say, there was no disrespect intended and I’m very sorry.”

Dear Mr. Liu: CBC’s Office of the Ombudsman deals with complaints about CBC news and current affairs content. The Ombudsman has a mandate to determine whether information content the CBC has produced respects CBC’s journalism policy. The matter you raise is beyond the mandate and jurisdiction of this office.  However, I have forwarded your e-mail to CBC Audience Relations so that your comments may be shared with the appropriate managers.

在这种情况下,社区活跃人士Karen认为,“现在CBC道歉了,Bryon MacDonald也道歉了。Let’s move on!”媒体老记Thomas也表示,“当时是中国和加拿大争铜牌,那家伙以为关了麦,说了粗口。就像张国政解说举重,对手拼掉中国选手时,也是情急之下公开骂“裁判脑子有屎”。道歉了就完了。运动员呢,应该像当年中国男篮的巩晓彬一样,面对韩国对手的百般挑衅、韩国美女的多番表白,一概高冷以对,唯一做的就是在球场上突你、投你、扣死你,眉心被打破还是不动气,继续在场上打到你没脾气。”


另有有心人士也指出,微信圈转发的视频图片翻译出现错误。比方说,like stink可以译作“飞快地”,而die like a pig是一个俚语,译作为“输得难看”。串接起来就是说小将很激动,一开始游得很快,后面却输得很惨。但一自称美式英语是母语的Mark Hubbard如此描述说:No. As a native American English speaker, I find the comment highly offensive and hope that Mr. MacDonald apologizes for his choice of words. I understand that in the heat of the moment we sometimes get excited and say things we later regret, but there is no excuse for that type of commentary, not to mention the utter absurdity of his wildly mixed metaphors. It’s simply bad (and shameful) English.


