哈密尔顿Lincoln Alexander Day庆祝活动

地点:Lincoln Alexander Centre
地址:160 King Street East, Hamilton ON

Lincoln Alexander Day Celebration

The Lincoln Alexander Day Planning Committee and the Committee Against Racism invite you to attend the Lincoln Alexandar Day Celebration on Thursday, January 21, 2016 from 6:00 to 8:00 p.m. at the Lincoln Alexander Centre, 160 King Street East, Hamilton.

The event will commemorate the late, Honourable Lincoln Alexander and remember his inspiring commitment to social justice and racial equity. There will be a performances by local artists including Kojo Chinto, Bernadette Ling, Michael Highgate and Tenor Michael Toby singing “Hear Freedom’s Ring: Secrets of the Underground Railroad”.  Family members of the Late Honourable Lincoln Alexander, local dignitaries and community leaders will also be in attendance.

This is a free event. All are welcome to attend.
