Dark Planet首播,来自Pet Sun组合心灵的暴风雨

Pet Sun乐队,来自Hamilton的车库乐队(Garage band)让凌乱的摇滚乐来冲击你并不安分的大脑。四人组成的乐队通过对人的心灵的混乱,录制最新专辑Dark Planet。这相当于一个毛茸茸又显黑暗的迷宫,里面还有一个大怪物潜伏着。

据吉他手,兼主唱Stephane Senecal-Tremblay介绍,“这首歌向听众讲述一个故事,那个画面就是脑袋中混乱状态。”噩梦与不安的主题贯穿始终,这其实就是内心冲突的副产品。这种乱,也从速度得以体会,也许听众很难理解,尽管在尾奏时有所控制。

因为该曲首播,尚不能在Youtube上找到,所以我们安置来自该乐队的另一首歌“Never Quit”与大家分享。该新专辑将于12月4日发行,敬请关注。


Our new single Dark Planet comes your way… courtesy of The Hand Recordings and it can be found on Soundcloud!!! You can also read about the song at our Chart Attack premiere.

This song is a lot slower than what we usually write. It works off some 90’s vibes with a splash of doom to help get some heads banging.

We like to think that if the Phantom of the Opera went solo he’d put this on his record.

Dark Planet is best enjoyed late at night in a dark room lit by a few candles with a fresh pizza delivered by Satan himself…

We have a lot in the works. we’ve been planning for another US Tour and will be releasing our 7″ EP “Shade Driver” on December 4th! Hope you like the new tune – thanks again for lending your ears and your ongoing support!
