Justin Trudeau胜选感谢函












From Prime Minister Trudeau:

Sophie and I have something we want to say to you: thank you.

Real change has come to Canada, and it’s because of you.

Your knocks and calls. Your donations. Your support on social media. And most importantly, your votes.

From every last candidate, to every last volunteer, donor and supporter, remember: I didn’t make history today. You did.

For three years, we had a very old-fashioned strategy. We met and talked with as many Canadians as we could. And we listened.

We beat fear with hope. We beat cynicism with hard work.

We beat negative, divisive politics with a positive vision that brings Canadians together.

Most of all, we defeated the idea that Canadians should be satisfied with less. That good enough is good enough, and that better just isn’t possible.

Well my friends. This is Canada. And in Canada… Better is always possible.

You built this platform. You built this movement. You told us what you need to be successful. You told us what kind of government you want, and we built the plan to make it happen.

Tomorrow, we start on our next challenge: achieving real change for the middle class. And Canadians are counting on us to deliver.

Thank you again for all your hope and hard work. We can’t tell you how much we appreciate it.

Justin and Sophie
