
自由党Markham-Stouffville选区国会议员候选人,曾担任Markham Stouffville医院家庭医生部门主席的Dr. Jane Philpott 9月30日表示,联邦自由党将我们的健康体系变得更加现代化,也将立即为加拿大人在家庭护理方面做出真正的投资计划。

“包括万锦市居民在内的所有的加拿大人都对我们的健康体系感到骄傲,全国福利健保不仅保证中产阶级安稳,同时也保证国民处在一个健康、快乐、有效率的生活环境” Dr. Philpott表示,“这也是为什么自由党政府会保证我们的健康体系将可持续化,并且通过投资家庭护理来迎接人口老化将带来的挑战。”


“在过去的十年里,哈珀拒绝参与有关医疗体系相关的对话,新民主党党魁唐民凯也未能做出像他所承诺的保证,加拿大人需要一个能够理解所需健康体系的合作伙伴,联邦政府需要一个严肃的,可持续的回复。”Dr. Philpott表示,“只有小杜鲁道和联邦自由党拥有一个全新的,可持续的健保体系,适用於现在,以及未来。”

Trudeau-led government will invest in Canadians’ health and home care now

A Liberal government will modernize our health care system, and make a real and immediate investment in home care for Canadians, said [Dr. Jane Philpott, Liberal candidate for Markham-Stouffville and former Chief of Family Medicine at Markham Stouffville Hospital on September 30.

“Canadians here in Markham  and across the country take great pride in our health care system. Not only is universal health care the bedrock of middle class security, but it ensures that we remain healthy, happy, and productive throughout our lives,” said Dr. Philpott. “That is why a Liberal government will make sure our health care system is sustainable, and can meet the challenges of our aging population by prioritizing and investing in home care.”

A Trudeau-led Liberal government will re-engage on Canadian health care and negotiate a new Health Accord with provinces and territories, including a new, long-term agreement on funding. This will include:
· An immediate investment of $3 billion over the next four years to prioritize additional and improved home care services for all Canadians;
· Improving access and reducing the cost of prescription medications;
· Pan-Canadian collaboration on health innovation; and
· Increasing the availability of high-quality mental health services.

“For over a decade, Harper has refused to engage in the conversation we need to have about our health care system. Unlike Mulcair, who has already broken his promise on health care, we need a partner who understands that to get Canadians the health care they need, it will require a serious and substantial response from the federal government,” said Dr. Philpott. “Only Justin Trudeau and the Liberals have the new leadership and the plan that will ensure people here in York Region are able to access a strong and sustainable health care system, now and in the future.”
