Justin Trudea证明,只有自由党才有推动真正变革的计划

在昨晚的麦克林全国领袖辩论中,全加拿大的民众可以亲眼所见,只有Justin Trudea(贾斯汀·杜鲁多)和自由党团队引领了新的方向、推动导致真正变革的全新计划。




Justin Trudeau proves only Liberals have plan for real change

During last night’s Maclean’s National Leaders Debate, Canadians saw first-hand that only Justin Trudeau and the Liberal team are offering new leadership and a new plan for real change.

“Canadians know an economy that works for the middle class means a country that works for everyone; that we are stronger not in spite of our differences, but because of them; and that better is always possible. That’s why I’m running to be Prime Minister,” said the Leader of the Liberal Party of Canada, Justin Trudeau. “Tonight’s debate gave Canadians the opportunity to compare my plan for real change against Stephen Harper’s failed plan and Thomas Mulcair’s empty promises.”

Liberals have a plan to deliver fairness and growth that works for everyone. Our plan will cut taxes for the middle class, so Canadians can keep more of their paycheques. We will also create one bigger, fair, automatic, and tax-free monthly benefit that will help families with the high cost of raising their kids.

“Harper has the worst economic growth record of any Prime Minister since R.B. Bennett in the depths of the Great Depression. After a decade in power, he is more interested in telling Canadians that everything is fine than actually solving the problems we are facing as a country. Similarly, Mulcair has provided no answers on how he will grow our economy,” said Mr. Trudeau. “I look forward to continuing to engage with Canadians throughout the campaign on how we can make a real, positive difference together.”
