Stephen Harper的$2,700万谎言


8月2日,CBC新闻网报导,哈珀说:“最重要的是竞选时,各党要自己筹款而不拿纳税人的金钱。”对此,联邦自由党Wascana选区候选人Ralph Goodale指出: “哈珀声称,他需要这近100年来最长时间的选举来为纳税人省钱。事实上,他是在玩弄选举机制,让保守党人获得历史上最多、纳税人负担的竞选退款。哈珀利用国会多数党的优势,更改法例,让保守党从中得利。可见哈珀是多么自私并与国民脱节,他从未严肃考虑滥用纳税人金钱的问题。”


“哈珀宁可浪费公款,帮助自己的政府当选,也不去帮助挣扎努力求生活的中产阶层。”联邦自由党Hull-Aylmer选区候选人Greg Fergus表示,“加拿大人应该有新领袖新计划。只有杜鲁多和他的团队有真正变革的计划,确保重建公平,负责任地理财,增加工作岗位,发展经济。”

Harper’s $27 million fiction: Conservatives receive largest taxpayer-funded rebate in history

While middle class Canadians are struggling to get ahead and our economy is back in recession, Stephen Harper is funneling as much as 27 million taxpayer dollars into Conservative Party coffers, said Liberals today.

“…it is important that these campaigns be funded by the parties themselves rather than taxpayers.”
(Stephen Harper, CBC News Network, August 2, 2015)

“Harper claims the longest election in a century is needed to save taxpayers money. In fact, he has gamed the system so that his Conservatives receive the largest taxpayer-funded rebate in Canadian history,” said Liberal candidate for Wascana, Ralph Goodale. “By using his parliamentary majority to change the rules for his party’s benefit, it is clear that Harper is so self-absorbed and out of touch that he doesn’t think twice about misusing Canadians’ tax dollars.”

Under Harper’s election law, the Conservative Party will receive over $27 million from taxpayers – or 50 cents for every dollar the Conservatives spend in an extended campaign. In total, Stephen Harper is costing taxpayers half a billion dollars by causing the most expensive election in Canadian history.

“Stephen Harper would rather waste public money on helping his government get re-elected, than helping our struggling middle class,” said Liberal candidate for Hull—Aylmer, Greg Fergus. “Canadians deserve new leadership and a new plan. Only Justin Trudeau and his team have a plan for real change that will ensure fairness, fiscal responsibility, job creation, and economic growth.”
