
4月12日,安静小城Stratford难得热闹非凡,享有盛名的天鹅大游行在这一天举行。经过联络,编辑手头拥有不同游客在观看本次天鹅大游行的感触。经征得本人同意,编辑将一一刊发他们的心得体验。第一篇刊发的文稿来自本人的英语老师,Jack Wynberg,Seneca的退休教授,他是用英文写成,除翻译上面的标题外,小编没有编辑。第二篇将是多伦多有名记者胡彦鹏的文字。接下来应该还有几个,请等待欣赏,谢谢大家的分享。特别说明,所有图片均有作者提供,因此读者也可以看看不同人的视点会完全不一样。就拿Jack的图片来说,天鹅几乎完全不见,他更多的关注在于人。



The Running of the Swans

Twice a year, Stratford (Ontario) holds a festival called “The Swan Parade”: once in the Spring when the swans are escorted to the Thames River (Ontario), and again in the fall when they are returned to their pens – all accompanied by bagpipers and many spectators who show up just for the big event. This weekend the swans waddled their way through the throngs, back into the waters, and I was deputized by the editor of this newspaper to report on this great event.



Unfortunately, I arrived too late to witness The Running of the Swans, and instead was forced into The Great Swan Chase.

After I arrived, I looked around to see where the swans were, and I saw a flock of people hovering over the edge of the river, feeding what I took to be a swan, but I wasn’t sure because it was too far away. As I ran towards the point of interest, the swan retreated away from me faster than I could run, with my camera and all, so I gave it up and turned back to where I could see something white sticking out of the river, on the far side. I think it was a swan, but I didn’t have my binoculars with me to make sure. I just took some pictures of what I saw, and contented myself with looking for an ice-cream vendor.



There were none. I had arrived just as the festivities were winding down. There was still a truck selling fried apple fritters, which instantly became my all-time favourite dessert, but unfortunately there was a long line-up of little ones (kids, not Cygnets (thank you Dr. Google)). I decided to get a coffee from a coffee truck instead, for which there was no line-up. Kids don’t drink coffee. I sat down on a bench, kindly leased to me by the coffee vendor, and I drank my coffee while surveying what was left of the people and the festivities. By the time I had finished my coffee, I turned my attention again to the apple fritter truck, but it had closed.

It was time for me to go home. (credential to Jack Wynberg)



