Pizza Pizza在Cambridge举办社区Pizza大派对

本周六,Pizza Pizza将在Cambridge 2个店面举办社区Pizza大派对,欢迎生活在这个的所有居民都参加。庆祝现场将有超低价披萨、薯条和炸洋葱圈提供,最先50名参与者还可以获得$5购物券。这是Pizza Pizza顾客感谢日(Customer Appreciation Day),希望大家参与,详情如下:

It’s a community event and everyone’s invited!

Two Pizza Pizza locations in Cambridge will host community pizza parties on Saturday, April 11 to celebrate its customers. To mark the occasion, popular menu items will be available at discounted prices and $5 gift cards will be awarded to the first 50 people to arrive at each location during the special Customer Appreciation Day.

Community pizza party with fun, games and promotions for the entire family to enjoy, including:
– A clown and face painting
– Pepperoni and cheese pizza slices, fries and onion rings will be sold for 99 cents
– $5 gift cards will be awarded to the first 50 people to arrive at the scheduled locations

Everyone in Cambridge is welcome to attend!

Saturday, April 11 from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m.

Pizza Pizza
200 Franklin Blvd. Unit 35, Cambridge, ON N1R 8N8

Pizza Pizza
355 Hespeler Rd. Unit 190, Cambridge, ON N1R 8J9
