
总理Justin Trudeau在每年都在大年初一(今年是2月5日)发表中国农历新年(春节)贺词,但今年小编发觉一个很特别的情况,那就是这份基本雷同的新年贺词也冠在韩裔新年(又名Seollal)和越南裔新年。这是政治正确的表现吗?既然官方认定春节(The Spring Festival)是加拿大的官方节日,为何不统一使用这个称谓呢?下面是总理的贺词。








The Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau, today issued the following statement on the Chinese New Year, also known as the Spring Festival:

“Over the coming days, Chinese communities in Canada and around the world will celebrate the Spring Festival and welcome the Year of the Pig. Calm and compassionate, the Pig symbolizes good fortune, honesty, and success.

“As friends and family come together to celebrate new beginnings, it’s also a chance to honour the remarkable contributions Chinese Canadians continue to make to our country. From coast to coast to coast, Chinese Canadians build a stronger, more inclusive Canada every day.

“On behalf of our family, Sophie and I wish all those celebrating a Year of the Pig filled with joy, health, and good fortune.

“Gong Xi Fa Cai! Gong Hey Fat Choy! Gong Xi! Gong Xi!”


The Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau, today issued the following statement on the Korean New Year, also known as Seollal:

“Today, Korean communities in Canada and around the world welcome the Year of the Pig as they celebrate Seollal, Korea’s Lunar New Year.

“One of the most important traditional Korean holidays, Seollal is a time to celebrate new beginnings, give thanks for the successes of the past year, and set intentions for the year to come. During the three-day holiday, families and loved ones gather to share special meals, honour their elders and ancestors, and enjoy traditional games.

“This holiday is also an opportunity to recognize the important contributions that Korean Canadians continue to make to our country. Each day, Korean Canadians help build a better Canada, from coast to coast to coast.

“On behalf of our family, Sophie and I wish peace, joy, and prosperity to all those celebrating Seollal.

“새해 복 많이 받으세요”


The Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau, today issued the following statement on the Vietnamese New Year:

“Over the next few days, Vietnamese communities in Canada and around the world will celebrate Tết Nguyên Đán, the Lunar New Year.

“Tết is a time to reflect on the past year, celebrate new beginnings, and look forward to the coming of spring. To welcome the Year of the Pig, families and friends will come together to enjoy special holiday foods and share best wishes for good fortune in the year to come.

“The Vietnamese New Year is also a chance to recognize the significant contributions Vietnamese Canadians make to our country each day. Generations of Vietnamese Canadians have helped build a better, more inclusive Canada, and that’s as true today as ever.

“On behalf of our family, Sophie and I wish everyone celebrating happiness, good fortune, and prosperity in the Year of the Pig.

“Chúc mừng năm mới.”






Chúc mừng năm mới. (越南语)


另外,小编也收到安省官方反对党,新民主党党领贺华丝(Andrea Horwath)为2019己亥猪年所提供的新年贺词。至于安省省长Doug Ford,小编没有收到贺词,似乎也没有从媒体上看到相关文字。




