
Loblaw Companies Ltd.在承认公司参与全行业面包定价安排之后,作为一种善意的表现,向消费者提供$25的礼品卡。在12月19日与分析师的电话会议上,该公司首席执行官Galen G. Weston说,“这种事情不应该发生的!”


对于公司如何推出$25价值礼品卡的活动时,Galen G. Weston说,“礼品卡是我们给消费者的最直接承认,我们希望他们能够感受到这是一个有意义的数字,让他们对我们保持信任和信心。”


Loblaw Card Program
We have received your request to be notified once registration for the Loblaw Card Program opens. You will receive an email notifying you when you can register.
Please note that registration has not yet opened. You must complete and submit a registration form in order to be eligible to receive a $25 Loblaw Card.



We have received your request to be notified once registration for the $25 Loblaw Card program opens. You will receive an email notifying you when you can register.
Please note that registration has not yet opened. You must complete and submit a registration form in order to be eligible to receive a $25 Loblaw Card.
If you believe you have received this email in error, you can remove yourself from future communications by following this Unsubscribe link.

Program Administrator

正式注册要等到2018年1月8日才能开放。该公司发言人Kevin Groh在一份邮件中表示,详细情况还有待时日,但广义而言,网站访问者可能需要表明自己的年龄。对于艾省、曼省、安省、PEI、魁北克和萨省来说,年龄要求18岁或以上,而在BC省、新省、纽芬兰、新斯科省以及三个地区年龄要19岁或以上。他们同时还要宣称他们在2015年3月1日前在加拿大合格的店面购买某些袋装面包产品。注册截至日期为2018年5月8日。

该公司预计有3-6百万人会获得礼品卡。有些人已经宣称要将礼品卡做更好的用途,包括捐献给食物银行(Food bank)。在12月19日,Loblaw和George Weston Ltd.透露,他们参与从2001年地到2013年3月全行业面包的定价,并避开了加拿大竞争局监管机构,在随后的调查中获得豁免权。
