

回顾过去饱受煎熬的一年,约克区好邻居协会委员会组织和带领本协会大多数七八十岁以上的老人,模范执行“宅家”令,在严峻的防疫抗疫中,协会多次举办防控新冠病毒知识讲座,另有爱心的会员、家属,自制中药香囊送会员。协会领导特别关注会员们心理精神健康,参加泉源培训义工,会员群及时播导,交流官方有关新冠病毒新闻,提高会员的警惕。并尽力募捐,加送会员口罩、面罩、消毒液、洗手液、防疫用品之需。另一方面,举办自娱自乐活动,组织参加抗疫防疫大合唱,提倡在家跳健康舞,群里举办摄影兴趣讲座丰富宅家老人的文化精神生活,凝聚会员们上下一心抗疫 !如今,一切的坎坷都将过去,希望就在前方。



Greetings! Greetings! May the sound of firecrackers bid farewell to the old year and welcome in the prosperous new year of the ox!

Looking back on the past year, the Good Neighbours of York Region Association committee had organized and led its members, consisting mainly of seniors over 70 and 80 of age, implemented the “stay at home” order in the prevention of spread of the epidemic. The Association held many virtual lectures on the prevention and control of the Coronavirus. Other caring members distributed home-sown Chinese medicine sachets to members. The Association leaders paid special attention to the mental health of their members and trained volunteers to assist the seniors, participated in various lectures organized by municipal councillors, broadcasted timely guidance and forwarded latest official news about the coronavirus to enhance members’ vigilance. We also tried our best to collect donations, sent masks, face shields, disinfectant solution, hand sanitizer and epidemic prevention supplies to our members. We held self-entertainment activities and participated in the anti-epidemic chorus, promoted line dancing at home, held online photography classes to enrich the cultural and spiritual life of our elderlies. Our members are in unison of the anti-pandemic campaign! Now that all the hardworks are behind us, we can see light at the end of the tunnel!

On behalf of the Good Neighbors of York Region Association Committee, I wish you all the best! May all our friends have happy family reunions in the coming Lunar New Year! Good health! Thriving business! Happiness and well-being! Happy Chinese New Year!

Good Neighbors Founding President,
Madam Soo
