



Citizen committees and boards

Play a key role in our city’s future by sitting on a local citizen committee or board. The deadline for applications is Sunday, September 27 at midnight. What’s the difference, you ask? Committees provide advice and feedback to city council and standing committees on a variety of issues, including arts and culture, accessibility, downtown and the environment. Boards have the autonomy to make decisions for the good of their organizations.

Each advisory committee and board also has at least one city council member; check out our full list of councillor appointments to local committees and boards for more details. Accessible formats and communication supports are available to committee/ board members (and guests) upon request. If you require assistance to take part in a city meeting or event, please call 519-741-2345 or TTY 1-866-969-9994.

Here’s a list of the local committees and boards. For more information, including planned work for each committee during the current term, please contact the indicated person affiliated with the board/committee of interest.

  1. Aeronautical noise advisory committee temporarily suspended.
  2. Arts and culture advisory committee (meets third Tuesday of each month, at 4 p.m.)
  3. Centre in the Square board of directors (meets bi-monthly on a Wednesday, at 8 a.m.)
  4. Committee of adjustment (meets every third Tuesday morning)
  5. Compass Kitchener (meets first Wednesday of the month, at 4 p.m.)
  6. Cycling and trails advisory committee (meets second Tuesday of each month, at 4 p.m.)
  7. Dog designation appeal committee
  8. Downtown action and advisory committee (meets fourth Thursday of each month, at 4 p.m.)
  9. Economic development advisory committee (meets fourth Wednesday of each month, at 11 a.m.)
  10. Environmental committee (meets third Thursday of each month, at 4 p.m.)
  11. Heritage Kitchener (meets first Tuesday of each month, at 4 p.m.)
  12. Kitchener Housing Inc. board of directors (meets third Wednesday of each month, at 4 p.m.)
  13. Kitchener Public Library board (meets third Wednesday of each month, at 7 p.m.)
  14. Property standards committee (meets last Wednesday of each month, at 1 p.m.)
  15. Safe and Healthy Community advisory committee (meets second Thursday of each month, at 4 p.m.)

Advisory Committee Recruitment Process
The following descriptions provide a general overview of the committee member, chair and vice-chair positions. A nominating committee, which is appointed by city council, assesses advisory committee applications, based on diverse representation of the community, expertise/interest in an issue or topic area, and the terms of each advisory committee’s terms of reference, and presents council with a list of qualified candidates for each committee.

Current Advisory Committees Recruiting:
Arts and culture advisory committee; Cycling and trails advisory committee; Downtown action and advisory committee; Economic development advisory committee; Environmental committee; Heritage Kitchener; Property standards committee and Safe and Healthy Community advisory committee. Deadline for applications is Sunday, September 27 at midnight.

For a paper copy of this application form or if you have any questions about process or a specific advisory committee; please contact Sarah Coutu at 519-741-2200 ext. 7592 or

Board Recruitment Process
The following descriptions provide an overview of the boards, term lengths, function, and board member requirements for: Centre in the Square (CITS) and Kitchener Public Library (KPL). For more information on Kitchener Housing Inc., see above tab. Each board is responsible for their own board member applications, based on diverse representation of the community, expertise/interest in an issue or topic area, and the terms of each board’s terms of reference, and presents council with a list of qualified candidates for each board

Current Boards Recruiting:
Centre in the Square (1 vacancy ending 2020); Kitchener Housing Inc. (4 vacancies ending 2020 and Kitchener Public Library 1 vacancy and 2 alternate positions). Deadline for applications is Sunday, September 27, 2020 at midnight.

For a paper copy of this application form or if you have any questions about process or a specific board, please contact Sarah Coutu at 519-741-2200 ext. 7592 or
