首次感受安珀警报(Amber Alert)

[编者启] 下午5:56该警报解除,5岁女孩平安找到,孩子父亲被拘押。

刚刚下班之后,笔者开车走在回家的路上。突然,放在口袋里的手机在震动,一般情况下,笔者开车时对于所有来电都会是听而不闻的,因为已经到了家门口,所以将手机拿出来一看,竟然是安珀警报(Amber Alert)短信!让笔者感到特别吃惊的是,与此同时,电台新闻所播放的也是警报内容,真是不错!这是笔者第一次感受这个短信,首次使用安珀警报短信是情人节半夜,可惜笔者睡得比较沉,根本没有被吵醒。


该次安珀警报是由约克地区警察发布的,针对在Markham的一名五岁女孩被绑架事宜。其实安珀警报在5点之前发布,但收到短信已经是5:15了。这位5岁的小女孩名叫Jannah Jaffri,最后被人看到是在Armadale公立学校,搭乘一辆小型出租车。警方表示,该女孩的父亲,Soloman Jaffri据称对该起绑架事件负责。下面是安珀警报的具体内容,任何人有相关信息请致电911。

Jannah is described as female, five years old, brown skin, 4’0″ feet tall, light brown shoulder-length hair, and brown eyes. She was last seen wearing a pink sweater, a white tank top, grey leggings, navy blue coat and carrying a sparkly white unicorn backpack.

Solomani is described as being 6’1″ tall, with an average build, short brown hair, and a tattoo of Jannah on his right arm. He was last seen wearing navy blue dress coat and black cargo pants.

Anyone with information is asked to call 911.
